How to play
Click the roll button to roll the dice. You get only three rolls per score
Click on a die to "lock" it. Click again to unlock
Click on the score field to place your score. If you change your mind or click in the wrong field,
click again to erase it, then click on another score.
You can change your mind as often as you want to until you roll for the next set.
In the pip plays, your score is the total for the dice that match the category - i.e. you get three sixes the score is 18. If you get 63 or more points in the pip plays, you get a bonus of 37. Sixty-three is the score you get if you get exactly 3 dice in each category.
In the poker plays, each category scores differently:
- Three of a kind, you get the total of all of the dice if you have at least three dice with the same value
- Four of a kind, you get the total of all of the dice if you have at least four dice with the same value
- Full House is three of one kind and two of another. Five of a kind counts as well. You get 25 points for a full house
- Small straight is where four of the dice form an unbroken sequence, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4. You get 30 points for a small straight
- Large straight is where all five dice form an unbroken sequence, e.g. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Actually there are only two ways to get this, so 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 also count. (But order on the screen doesn't, or you'd never get one). You get 40 points for a large straight
- Quince is five of a kind quintuplets -> quints -> quince.... You get 50 points for a quince, PLUS, you get 100 extra points for every five of a kind you get after you score a quince
- Chance, you get the total of all the dice, no matter what you rolled. Chance is where you dump that really wretched score.